Efficiency – Flexibility – Teamplay
Military Contractors – We protect your activity
Ex-UEE Military unit, the XIIIth is a PMC working under contract for the UEE and private corporations by offering a wide range of security services.
Esprit de corps
In the XIIIth, we want to Highlight teamplay. We want to be able to count on our brothers in arms when the shit hits the fan.
We train hard – We strike Harder
We want to achieve efficiency. To reach this goal, We are recruiting gamers dedicated to the game and who want to maintain their skills – we also implement training in the specialties of our various branches – Fleet | Marines | Logistics
Real Life First
Whether you are a student, a father with responsibilities, We understand that you can not always be present. We only ask you to warn us for a long absence and push your skill to the max when you’re in team.

BranchesColonial FleetColonial MarinesColonial LogisticsMilitary PersonnelPublic Relations| Public Relations: Diplomacy - Marketing - Events| Military Personnel: As a recruit or member, you got a problem? go see them.| Colonial Logistics has two divisions: Operational Logistics offers support for the combat branches in the field AND Strategic Logistics offers support on a larger scale| The Colonial Marines constitute the second combat Branch of the XIIIth Expeditionary Corps. The Marines have a wide range of missions and they intervene in all environments. The Marines Branch is composed of 3 divisions: Infantry, Vectors and Aerospace Support and Special Operations.| The Colonial Fleet is responsible for all space missions and is able to intervene in all theaters of operations, autonomously, with the support of Colonial Logistics. The Colonial Fleet has two divisions: The Naval Strike Group and The 1st Strike Fighter Wing

« We do the Job »
The XIIIth Expeditionary Corps is a Private Military Company operating in the field of security and risk management.
When we’ll reach our objectives in terms of operational capabilities, we will offer our security services to organizations wishing to contract with the XIII.
We will provide relevant advices on all aspects of security, corporate operations, commercial risk and foreign investment, counterterrorism, close protection and support.
Our customers will benefit from the high skills of our staff, in different areas, acquired through the training we offer internally and our tactical and strategic knowledge.
Our range of services includes Escorts, protecting a location to allow for example industrial operations, intelligence gathering, reconnaissance, consultancy, and corporations training

« We are bound to the infinite frozen plains, our heart is cold and death is our coat. »
« The history of the 13th Expeditionary Corps begins on May 27th, 2885, the day its establishment was called for by the imperial senate in order to explore and conquer territories located beyond a recently discovered jump point.
Two months later, the task force was constituted out of an imperial Navy squadron, a Marine battalion and a number of specialized civilians.
On July 29th, 2885, the Expeditionary Corps crossed the jump point and began its mission.
The system of arrival, still merely referred to as AY-21-203, was rich in raw materials and was home to a planet suitable for life. Its axial tilt causing the surface to be swept over permanently by violent storms.
These storms, lifting quantities of dust off the ground were occulting daylight most of the time thus generating winters long and rigorous. In spite of this harsh environment, a biomass made up mainly of resistant moss and crawling insects had managed to develop and the atmosphere proved to be respirable given that one would wear a dust mask at all time to filter particles.
This planet, quickly nicknamed Tempest, became the 13th Corps operational base. Life there was hard but bearable since only temporary.
The task force colonized the system, prospected its mining resources, established the necessary infrastructures to sustain life and support the squadron while seeking possible other jump points. The Empire regularly resupplied Tempest. Until October 6th, 2887. That day the convoy of supplies never arrived. The jump point had vanished…
The sense of shock was unimaginable. This kind of event had not been anticipated as it was regarded as impossible.
In the hope that this phenomenon would be only momentary, a rationing was set up. Days, weeks then months passed by and it became clear that resupply should not be relied upon. From now on the 13th Corps was completely isolated. It had to adapt to the situation. »