Welcome to the recruiting interface of the XIIIth Expeditionary Corps.
We thank you for your interest.
Fancy adventure, explore distant horizons, do not wait! Join a private military company that has been forged in the face of adversity. – More about our history: Tempest
We are actively looking for men and women of value, wanting to go beyond their limits, to, after a demanding training, join the Expeditionary Fleet of the XIII.
Missions of the XIII: We provide, by contract, support to the forces of the UEE and private organizations, everywhere in the universe, whatever the mission.
It’s very simple!
1- Copy the link of your Citizen Dossier (Exemple: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Nlkopol) in the #recruitment-office chat section of the Discord of the XIIIth
A recruiting officer will come to you ASAP.

1/ The XIIIth is a hardcore tagged organization
It means that we need everyone to focus on their role and train in the field of their choice, so that when the time comes, everyone can count on others.
2/ But real life is a priority
We have members of all ages, with families or studies to complete. Activities are not mandatory, but we ask you to warn us in case of absence of long duration. And in any case, we ask you to do what it takes to train in your chosen field.
3/ The XIIIth is not a roleplay organization, but…
We practice a light milsim using radio type communications with call signs and military procedures adapted to the gameplay of the game. Apart from that, we do not forbid our members to create a character, but we will not push this aspect of the game as part of the organization activities. However, we create our own missions, introduced by briefings that may include roleplaying elements, for immersion sake.
4/ Fidelity to the Corps
We do not accept members affiliated with other organizations in the 13th
5/ PMC
Even though we have a logistic branch, Each member is a military personnel who must be able to use force effectively when necessary.
6/ Training
You will be supported by a team of instructors who will allow you to quickly reach our skill standards. The trainings are detailed in the pages of the respective branches. Some instructions are required to become a full member of XIIIth. You will receive more information about this during the preliminary interview.
7/ Branches and choice
Once a full member, you will have to choose an assignment.
Two choices will be offered to you: COLONIAL MARINES or COLONIAL FLEET and maybe later LOGISTICS.
The choice you make will be indicative. As our flexibility principle indicates, it is common for fleet members to play as Marines and inversely.
But your choice determines the branch and domain in which you will train the most and in which you will be present during important missions.
8/ UEE
The XIIIth carries out contracts in accordance with the laws of the UEE, with customers who themselves remain in legality in a reasonable way.
9/ PVP
The XIII is active in pvp, against outlaw, pirates, and any other threat. During the Alpha, infiltration (Outlaw gameplay) is allowed until further notice. As long as the PU does not offer us a sufficiently varied gameplay. And it’s really about learning about our natural opponents. « What happens in the Alpha stays in the Alpha »